
Sunday, March 4, 2007

Thoughts on my youngest children...

On the left is my oldest son, Michael - he is now 8 years old. He wanted to be Bear in the Big Blue House for could we say no? Anyway...hes 8 years old now and will begin his Bar Mitzvah training soon - or rather he will start formal Hebrew school soon. I cant believe how big he has grown. From the scared little 3 year old to now, he has become a very important part of our family. When we talk to him about where he came from he tells us that it doesnt matter at all, that he is our son and that it is more important than anything! What a heartbreaker huh??? He melts my heart with his wisdom....wise beyond his years.

Then there is Adam on the right. He is just 5 years old. He wanted to dress up like a bird. Funny, he is so much like that bird - - he soars! When we got them over 4 years ago, I read the hospital discharge reports from his doctor. His prognosis was "guarded, at best". Look at him! Hes a thriving sweet little boy. Yes, there are things we wish he can do - like express anger, but that will come in time. For now we thank G-d all the time that he is not only alive but is with us, away from the home that damaged him so badly. He has a long way to go - and with the help of G-d, our family and most of all our therapist, we know he will do well. He just will have to do it more slowly than most.

Lastly, our beautiful little girl, Sofia - dressing up as baby Princess Dot from Ants. She is our beautiful little princess. In Ants, the baby princess wanted to fly but her wings were developed yet and all she could was follow along. Sofia is so much like that ant. She wants to be like her big brothers and sister. She follows them around and wants to act like they do and some days I DO wonder who is She acts so grown up, even at the tender age of 4!

These children are ours - heart, soul and legally. There is no one that can change that. Even if some people think they can.....