
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Indecisive? Waffling? Chameleon?

Are you indecisive? Do you waffle? Can you change your mind in any given situation, like a chameleon changes its colors? Or do you over think things? Analyze each situation you're in or relationship you may be about to embark on? You aren't alone.

Managing people means making decisions. Before one decides on a course of action, they must weigh the consequences of the direction they may take. To over think the possible outcome leading to so-called "analysis-paralysis"; on the other hand, split-second thinking is the affectionately called "gut decision."

A decision does not have to lead to immediate action. Often times the best decision is to just have a plan. A plan is a set of decisions mapped out in time well beyond the present. The distance that this plan covers forward in time is the difference between immediate (tactics) and long-term (strategic) thinking. A good leader has the skill to develop both types with their team.

Indecision is inaction, which can appear like thought, but often that is not the case. Indecision means the inability to reach a conclusion when many people are counting on you to validate their trust in your leadership. It is ok as a leader to hide your own process of internal analysis from your team as that is what defines you as "thoughtful" versus the much worse case of being "thoughtless."

To fluctuate between different decisions in a public situation is to be avoided at all costs. Thus is the phenomenon of "waffling" with all its negative connotations (so sad for waffles because as a food I love them so). People like/desire decisions -- even if they are imperfect -- which they often are. A good leader makes more good decisions than bad ones. For the really really bad decisions she might make, sometimes she tries to fix those that are fixable. But she is ready to accept the fate of a bad decision, and still move forward. Because her people depend on her to do so. She is never indecisive. She just decides.

I now decide to get back to work.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


If you can't handle me at my worst don't deserve me at my best.

Gam Ze Ya'avor

...this too shall pass.

When you have a bad day, it will pass. And when you have a good day, seize the moment, enjoy it, appreciate it. Because you should know, it wont last forever.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

One of the neatest things.....

...I've seen so far.....congratulations you two!!!

It was so much fun watching George put all of this together, I had to add his comments to my blog:

"Sara and I just got engaged! I don’t even know where to start with this one. After months of planning, weeks of lies upon lies to my poor unsuspecting girlfriend (now fiancee), and countless hours of laser cutting foam core and hot glue gun finger burning, I can now spill the beans. Sara and I got engaged at the 40000 gallery, in Chicago’s West Loop district, Friday night at 7:19pm precisely. But rather than trying to explain all the whats, whos and whys, I’ll let you see the video that I made that tells our story."