
Friday, February 13, 2009

Boys and Shaving

What fascinates boys and their obsession with shaving? I mean, dont they have enough stuff to do without worrying about shaving? Well, it seems ONE man (or little man) decided he wanted to see what it was like to shave................his legs!!

Adam, my 7 year old son, got ahold of one of his sister's razors...and tried shaving his legs. Granted, its comical now, but at the time, when he "cut himself shaving" it wasnt so funny.

So what is the obsession?

Guys? Can you tell me!? Why your legs?


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Three words... I LOVE YOU

We only get one chance in this world, so why is it that we find some things so hard to express to the ones that we truly feel those emotions for?

My theory is that we are scared; not of what might be said in return, but what those 3 little words in particular mean. They are not to be taken lightly and carry a lot of weight, they can be good to know, but hard to hear; they can be said and not returned; but ultimately, when they are said and are returned, is when the scariest of all things occurs, a true relationship. I know you are all thinking "hey I'm in one, been there, done that, got the t-shirt" but are you really?

Have you woken up each day, gone to bed each night, thinking only of that one person, would you lay down your life, give your last dime, and share your darkest secrets and most embarrassing moments with them?

It's so hard in life to find that "one" but when you do, be sure you hang on tight and cherish the time you have.

Don't use them loosely, they mean TOO MUCH!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Da Band....

...singing "A New Hallelujah"....enjoy!