
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Journey Ahead

...the saga continues

"Never again!" she wept inwardly as she watched him walk away. Never again will her heart ache for a man who cannot love her in return. Never again will her heart will remain closed...forever.

"From now on," she thought, "I will go on ..solo ... alone, but for the friends I have made." She knew that no one could enter her heart, her mind or her soul the way he did.

He entered her life, slowly, sweetly at first. And then all at once, her soul and her heart were not her own. They were his and his alone.

They will always be his... even if he has chosen another.

"His 'other' was around. I knew it and he knew that I knew, but I chose to look away. Not anymore. The time has come when I open my eyes and keep them open. Never again, will my eyes be closed or my heart be open...." She wept and wept until there were no more tears, for him, or for any man.

Silently, tears spent, clutching her pillow to her tightly, she fell asleep only to dream.... her dream there was a man. Not just any man. But THE man. The man of her dreams, as the cliche said. He was there to watch over her, to comfort her, to make sure no harm would ever come to her. Normally he did this from afar. Never coming close enough to touch her. Not physically or emotionally..or so he thought. But tonight was different.

In her dream, he took her hand, gently, lovingly, and led her down the hall to a room. A room that smelled of lavender and of pipe tobacco. A room furnished in turn of the century furnishings, not like her home, which was furnished in the contemporary styles of today and possibly tomorrow.

Here, he led her to a chair near the fireplace. Motioned for her to sit. And so she sat, without saying a word. But knowing what he wanted her to do.

As she looked up at him, he smiled, making her blush. This is the closest she had come to seeing this man's face. Even now, however, his face was clothed in the shadow of the night and of the fire raging in the fireplace. All she saw were bits and pieces of his face. But she didn't need to see his face. She felt him. Had always felt his presence.

As she began to speak, he reached down and placed his hand upon her lips to silence her, whispering "shhh...all will be revealed later..."

As she sat there in silence, her mind began to wander. To places where she had been. Places where it was peaceful. To this person who had been there for her. Always in shadow. Never in the light where she could see him. Yes, she felt his presence. He wanted her to. Is this any different? He is so close to her. But yet, she cannot really see him.

"Why does he tease her so?" she thought. "Why doesn't he let me see him?"

All she could do was trust him. Believe in her whole heart that this man, this solitary man, could take her pain away, could make her feel whole again. Sighing, she closed her eyes and let this man help her.

Maybe this man could see the pain inside her, help her get through it.

Yes, she knew she was dreaming. She knew that this man only existed in her dreams. But right now, at this moment, he was real for her. As real as any man made of flesh and bone. So right now, in her dream, she believed.

She truly believed that this man was there to comfort her, to see her through the pain. He was the only one who knew her. It was like he could see her thoughts and acted as though he knew every inch of her. His eyes touching the deepest recesses of her soul.

Closing her own eyes, she allowed herself to drift, knowing even then that she was dreaming and that the man she sensed near her only existed in her dreams.

As her breathing became more even, she felt her body beginning to relax.

Suddenly she felt the man stiffen next to her. Before she could turn to look up at him to see what made tense, his hand was on her shoulder, putting pressure on her to stay where she was.

She silently obeyed...