
Friday, July 30, 2010


Well, I am down 6.5 pounds since I started this new regimen. I admit, I did cheat on my birthday with a luscious steak and stuff I shouldn't have been eating and now I am on new meds (steroids) which also contribute to hunger and weight gain. HOWEVER, I am still down this week and I am determined that I will follow this through until I reach my goal.

Thank you to those of you who are cheering me on and not allowing me to eat when I am really hungry, although I have to admit, that this week, the hunger is subsiding.

Stay tuned for more verbal updates and be sure to check the ticker to your left to see how far away I am from my goal.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Well, here is an update on my progress. It's been almost one week that I have been doing the hCG and the VLCD (very low calorie diet) and so far, despite being sick and cheating a bit, I have lost 5 lbs.

I have added a ticker so that everyone, who is interested, can check on my progress.

Thank you to all of you that have pushed me away from the sweets when all I've really wanted to do was EAT THEM!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A new journey ... to health!

A few days ago I started a new regime in hopes to get healthy. First and foremost, I want to lower my cholesterol, which, according to the doctor is VERY high. Second, I want to lose weight. Doesn't everyone?

So I began taking hcg, which, oddly enough, is a hormone found only in pregnant women. Taken in small dosages, along with a very low calorie diet, will help you lose weight and thereby lowering your cholesterol.

At my first weigh-in, I was a large 205.5 pounds. The first day, you take the drops and eat normally but add EXTRA fat to your diet. The second day you do the same. Today, however, is the third day and now I am on the very low calorie diet.

At weigh-in this morning, I lost .5 lbs. Not bad for binging on fatty foods!

I am going to be blogging about my "journey" in hopes that when I am feeling frustrated, I can look back and give myself a boost, by seeing the progress.

Wish me luck!