
Thursday, March 31, 2011


Break forth into joyous song and sing praises! (Psalm 98:4)

I had the privilege one Palm Sunday of seeing and hearing a performance of Bach's St. Matthew Passion. It was a stirring performance, and afterward a friend of mine who was part of the choir said exuberantly, "As long as music like this is sung, the gospel is proclaimed." That struck me as an unusual insight, similar to Paul's insight that singing is an essential quality of Messianic life.

Ever since the book of Psalms where we are encouraged to break forth into joyous song and sing praise, much of the world's greatest music has been written for and to God. It's true - music is a great way to proclaim the gospel, especially now in our increasing secular world. No one objects to beautiful music, even if the lyrics are overtly religious. My friend was right, about using song to share the good news.

I've been trying to imagine what the opposite of singing is. Being tone deaf? Keeping quiet? Just talking? Whatever it is, a world without singing would be duller and sadder. It would be like taking all the color out of the world and leaving it black and white. It would be like banning dessert or humor or sports. Music helps us know we are alive. The rivers clap their hands and the hills sing together for joy. We can get into the act too. Go ahead and sing!

May the song of our hearts be your song, O Lord.

How to Pray