
Thursday, February 2, 2012

GPS on kids? Why not?

Well, after a frightening phone call today from my youngest son's school, I have begun to wonder if I should track him with a GPS.

It started when the school called, telling me that my son was not in his first period class. Keep in mind, this is elementary school, not middle or high school. So before I completely panicked (ok, who am I kidding? I was already freaking out) I called the school, spoke to the woman who answered the phone explaining the phone call I had just received and she politely told me to "hang on, let me see what's going on." About 5 long, agonizing minutes go by and she comes back to the phone telling me that she is "trying to locate his teacher." So then more alarm bells are starting to pop up. Finally she returns to the phone to tell me that his teacher "made a mistake" thinking that he was not in class, when indeed he was and was just fine.

I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that call could have gone so much worse. My son could have been missing....wandered off, hurt himself and no one knew where he was, or worse. Then I wondered, should I imbed him with a chip so I could find him? Yes, that is a bit extreme, but at that moment, all I would have wanted was to know for sure that he was safe and WHERE he was.

Well, my son, nor any of my children, will not get a GPS placed anywhere near him, now that I have calmed down and know my son and the rest of my children are safe, but perhaps a t-shirt with his name in GIANT neon letters. Or perhaps I should get his teacher new glasses?