
Friday, June 22, 2012

The Theology of Disability

Are Disabilities God's Will?

The LORD answered, "Who makes people able to speak or makes them deaf or unable to speak? ....Don't you know that I am the one who does these things?" ...Exodus 4:11

Moses was reluctant to ask the Egyptian ruler to let the Israelites go.  He tried to weasel out of God's assignment.  God's answer to him bothered me when I first read it.  On the surface God seems to be telling Moses that he gave him his speech difficulties.  Because a friend's cerebral palsy, he can't speak at all.  Did God do that to him?  That would be hard to accept.

I was glad to learn this thinking is not accurate.  The New Testament helps us see the full picture.  According to Yeshua, disabilities are not God's will.  He pointed to Satan for that.  But even when Satan instigates the problem, God can use it for his glory.  Yeshua, therefore healed the afflicted, bringing glory to God.

When we look at this verse in its context, we see that Moses was trying to use his disability as an excuse for not speaking before Pharaoh.  God did not buy his argument.  In a sense God was telling Moses, "I am aware of your disability, and I will help you speak."

Now I look at his passage differently.  Instead of seeing God as causing disabilities, I realize that God can work through us not just in spite of them, but because of them!

Lord, thank you that you are aware of our hardships and still work through us.