
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A new journey awaits...

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about a month ago. It took about 3 years to finally get this diagnosis. Little did I know that I had been suffering with this for longer than I had complained about. I had just dismissed the aches and pains as a sign of getting older and/or doing too much. Or when my husband would playfully poke me only to have me cry out in pain. He wasn't even touching me hard, it was just 'me'. Now we know what it was. I went to a new doctor recently who specializes in pain and its causes, etc. He believes in not only treating the pain, but the entire body. After my first visit with him, I felt like I had found the right place for me. He laughed at me during my exam because he said that most people who have fibromyalgia have only 11 out of 18 points of pain, I guess he laughed because I have 16 out of 18. Guess there is no question there as to the correctness of my diagnosis. My question is, how do you explain to people what this disease/condition is? Most don't understand; they "see" me as appearing healthy, when all I want to do is sleep and cry because it hurts so much.