
Wednesday, October 4, 2006

The Countdown Continues Once Again

Only eight (yep, count em EIGHT) more days until I board that lovely silver bird, fly about two to two and a half hours and land in Orlando for the Food and Wine Festival at Disney World.

This will be my first time there (not at Disney!) and I am very excited. It will be great to just relax and be with the "girls," but it will be awesome to try new things (wine, that is) !

I feel bad (NOT!) for my husband who will be home with the kids while Im gone. Im sure he will have many stories to tell me when I return. Some funny and some not-so-funny. Being the awesome dad that he is, he will be just fine without me.


Anonymous said...

How exciting. I think girl weekends should be mandatory. I bet your kids will have a good time with daddy. Aviva was so spoiled by daddy when I went away.


Anonymous said...


elaine said...

I care...hence the reason I posted it.

Sounds like someone needs a "happy pill."

Anonymous said...


elaine said...

If you don't care quit reading the blog putz! Stay out and mind your own buisness. I know who you are and I know where you live.

I will make you an offer you can not refuse. Stu Cazzo

Anonymous said...


Hope you have some much needed REST and fun, fun, fun, when I go with the girls I always have a fun time. Also have a glass of wine
for me.........
