
Sunday, January 25, 2009


This is my precious daughter and she had a birthday this week.

I cannot tell you what this child has done for my life. She has enriched it in so many ways. She brings countless joy into every life she touches.

She is both girly and tomboy-ish. She has wit and charm and everything you can imagine in someone of her size. Shes not afraid to bully her brothers if they get in her face, or use that little pinky that has her daddy wrapped around it to get what she wants. Ok...she does it to mom too....I am not immune to her "wiles"...

Looking at your face, I see expressions that touch the deepest recesses of my heart and my soul.

Happy birthday my beautiful daughter.


Jason said...
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Jason said...

happy belated birthday to her...she is a cutie :)

Anonymous said...

She is incredibly cute and sounds as amazing as her mom