
Friday, February 26, 2010

Did you know? (Part 4)

The Co-Freemasonic Order of The Blazing Star
The Co-Freemasonic Order of The Blazing Star is an independent order of freemasonry based in the South West of England that admits men and women equally. It sees its main emphasis as cultivating the spiritual and esoteric aspects of freemasonry, and offers a true initiatory system of training and development of the 33 degrees of 'The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite' for the benefit of humanity and the world. It currently operates an ancient Irish working in the craft degrees.

In November 1997 a group of senior masons formed an independent Supreme Council to revitalize and regenerate Masonic ritual and practice with an explicit emphasis on symbolic, esoteric and spiritual teachings, initiatory training, and the 'inner' workings forming the basis of the ritual work.

To distinguish the new order from other Masonic bodies, the name 'Order of the Blazing Star' was taken. The Blazing Star is a universal symbol, and is found in most Masonic rituals.

The principals, rituals, and traditions are still based on those of the Grand Scottish Constitutions of 1786, revised and agreed by the national Supreme Councils of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite at Lausanne in 1876.

In May 2007 the Supreme Council decided the name of the order should more closely reflect its heritage and work and thus 'The Co-Freemasonic Order of the Blazing Star' was established. Of course, C0-Freemasonry is not recognized by any of the major Masonic Grand Lodges and inter-visitation or other Masonic interaction is not permitted.

A Landmark of Freemasonry agreed by all masculine Grand Lodges is that the initiation of women is forbidden and members take a binding obligation not to countenance the initiation of women. Certain Grand Lodges of Co-Freemasonry also follow the lead of the Grand Orient de France in removing references to the Supreme Being from their rituals and initiating atheists; this is further point of separation from typical Masonic Lodges which hold belief in a Supreme Being to be a Landmark requirement.

Notwithstanding the prohibition of interaction in a ritual context, the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), the oldest of the Grand Lodges, while not recognizing Co-Freemasonry, states that it does hold informal discussions from time to time with Women's and Co-Masonic Grand Lodges on issues of mutual concern, and that Brethren are therefore free to explain to non-Mason, if asked, that Freemasonry is not confined to men (even though this Grand Lodge does not itself admit women).

The Grand Orient de France also does not initiate women, but does recognize Masonic bodies that do. Thus, it allows visitation by women from those bodies.

And so, my friends...this is why I can and AM a Co-Freemason....incidentally, my Grand Lodge is that of The American Federation of Human Rights/American Co-Masonry. I am proud to be a Fellowcraft. ..and of course, working towards becoming a Master Mason with the help and teaching of my brethren.

If you would like to learn more..please visit: And thank you for your indulgence.

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