
Monday, April 11, 2011

Did you see me wave?

The crowds were shouting, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!" ~ Matthew 21:9

The rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar" is no threat to Handel's "Messiah," but it did have a few bright spots. One was the Palm Sunday scene, where a dancing, cheering crowd welcomes Jesus to Jerusalem, singing: "Jesus, you know I love you. Did you see me wave? I believe in God and I believe in you, so tell me that I'm saved."

The Palm Sunday crowd is usually depicted as a fickle mob. No doubt many folks who on Sunday shouted "Hosanna!" were on Friday shouting "Crucify him!" Still, I think the crowd was not as bad a bunch as we've been led to believe. Granted, some of them probably did vote for Barabbas over Jesus. But my guess is that every charter member of the first Messianic synagogue in Jerusalem was in that crowd on Palm Sunday.

What I most admire about the crowd is their enthusiasm. People ran alongside of and ahead of Jesus. They sang and shouted. They spread their garments on the road. they waved palm branches. The whole scene bubbles with enthusiasm. And do we, who've probably never once let loose a single "Hosanna" for Jesus, look down our noses at them?

Eugene Ormandy once dislocated his shoulder while conducting the Philadelphia Orchestra. he certainly must have been enthusiastic about his music that night. And then I ask myself: have I ever dislocated anything out of enthusiasm for the Kingdom of God?

Let me be enthusiastic in your service, Lord. Amen.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Wow...that so much mtches my thoughts on that day!! Thanks