
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happy Adoption Day!

Happy Adoption Day Michael, Adam and Sofia!!!! I look back to when we first saw the three of you and how scared I was at parenting 3 MORE children, hoping I had the strength to do this one more time or in your cases, 3 more times. Now I look at the 3 of you and can't imagine life without you. I remember walking into the courtroom 7 years ago (today) and the judge asking if we were adopting a whole "team"...truly a memorable moment. One I wouldn't change for the word. I love you as if you were born from my womb, not just my heart. You truly complete our family! Ohana, my DOES mean no one gets left behind or forgotten.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"embrace" concert

For those of you that were unable to see us performing live, here is a link to our YouTube channel.  Enjoy!

"embrace" Concert