
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happy Adoption Day!

Happy Adoption Day Michael, Adam and Sofia!!!! I look back to when we first saw the three of you and how scared I was at parenting 3 MORE children, hoping I had the strength to do this one more time or in your cases, 3 more times. Now I look at the 3 of you and can't imagine life without you. I remember walking into the courtroom 7 years ago (today) and the judge asking if we were adopting a whole "team"...truly a memorable moment. One I wouldn't change for the word. I love you as if you were born from my womb, not just my heart. You truly complete our family! Ohana, my DOES mean no one gets left behind or forgotten.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Congrats on an amazing journey, takes a lot of courage and love!