
Friday, December 20, 2013

100 Already?

I cannot believe its been a year since I have blogged.  Life has definitely gone by way too fast and sadly, I haven't kept up with things the way I should have.  For instance, in the last year, my kids have grown both physically and emotionally: Michael is wrestling; Sofia has a boyfriend, such as that is for a 10 year old; Adam is getting A's and B's in school when last year, he was barely making C's (kudos to him!); Sydney is doing well in school and has gotten a new job!  Joel is still out of the house and is doing well.  He helped out with the Red Cross during the clean up and rescue efforts from this past tornado.  I have started school again (this time for web design) and I am a grandmother! Riley is already one...its amazing! Sadly, though, my health has deteriorated which is why I don't blog like I used to.

What made me decide to blog today?  When I logged into my computer today, I saw that today is the 100 year anniversary of the Crossword Puzzle which made me want to blog!  Funny how that is!  For those of you who like puzzles, here is a link to a great site.  It has the history of the crossword puzzle and a fun puzzle to solve. Enjoy!

Until next time....

Friday, December 28, 2012

In 2013.... not conform!
Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Merry Whatever....

My gift to you this year:


Friday, December 7, 2012

For Sarah.....

..even though today is not the "official" Mother's is truly special because of you.  May you be the mother you strive to be...and may Riley (my new granddaughter) know you the way we do....loving, kind and faithful.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What is Mrs. short for?

The answer may make you blush (or at least laugh)...

History and etiquette tell us that Mister and Missus, known by the contractions Mr. and Mrs., are the proper form of address for men and women. Beneath the surface of these everyday honorifics lies a linguistic glitch that has spawned social havoc since “Mrs.” entered mainstream English in the 17th century.

Mister is a direct variant of master, which in turn derives from the Old English maegester meaning “one having control or authority.” Already a discrepancy rears its head: The period that follows the abbreviation Mr. is usually omitted in British English grammar. According to the Oxford A-Z of Grammar and Punctuation, “If the abbreviation includes both the first and last letter of the abbreviated word, as in ‘mister’ and ‘doctor’, a full stop is not used.” However, a period always follows the title in American English grammar – as in Mr. President and Mr. Speaker.

Once used to address men under the rank of knighthood, by the mid-18th century mister became a common English honorific to generally address males of a higher social rank. English domestic servants often used the title to distinguish the eldest member of the household – a practice that is, for the most part, obsolete today.

Mrs. is a contraction derived from Middle English maistresse, “female teacher, governess.” Once a title of courtesy, mistress fell into disuse around the late 14th century. The pronunciation, however, remained intact. By the 15th century, mistress evolved into a derogatory term for “a kept woman of a married man.”

By the early 17th century, Mr., Mrs. Ms. and Miss became part of English vernacular, creating an awkward socio-linguistic discrepancy. In an attempt to avoid the use of “mistress,” a variety of phonetic substitutes have been utilized, including “missus” or “missis.”

While Mrs. does refer to a married woman, according to The Emily Post Institute, Ms. is the proper way to address a woman regardless of marital status — the term alleviates any guesswork. Miss is often used to address an unmarried woman, presumably a girl under the age of eighteen years old. Note however, that “Miss” also derives from “mistress.”

In 2012, what is the proper manner of address for men and women? Miss, Ms., or something entirely different? Are these honorifics too formal for our society, or the perfect bit of courtesy?  You decide.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happy Adoption Day!

Happy Adoption Day Michael, Adam and Sofia!!!! I look back to when we first saw the three of you and how scared I was at parenting 3 MORE children, hoping I had the strength to do this one more time or in your cases, 3 more times. Now I look at the 3 of you and can't imagine life without you. I remember walking into the courtroom 7 years ago (today) and the judge asking if we were adopting a whole "team"...truly a memorable moment. One I wouldn't change for the word. I love you as if you were born from my womb, not just my heart. You truly complete our family! Ohana, my DOES mean no one gets left behind or forgotten.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"embrace" concert

For those of you that were unable to see us performing live, here is a link to our YouTube channel.  Enjoy!

"embrace" Concert