
Monday, May 22, 2006


We are a family of 8
2 parents, 5 children and 1 dog

Our oldest son who will be 18 in August was just recently diagnosed with high functioning autism/atypical Aspergers Syndrome after 17 years of trying to figure out what was going on with him. We are currently gathering a team together to better help our son now and in the future. He is a Junior in high school.

Our oldest daughter who will be 17 in September is also a Junior in high school with plans to go onto college. She would like to delcare her major as "pre-med" with a minor in neuropsychology. Because of her brother, she wants to go into genetics and help determine a way to diagnose Autism and Aspergers quicker than her brother's diagnosis.

Our next oldest son just turned 7 in February. He is a sweet boy who has had to overcome alot in his young life - - abuse, neglect and drug exposure not to mention being moved 5 times until his placement with our family. He and his younger brother and sister were our foster children for 2 1/2 years until we were given the gift of being able to adopt them. He was placed with us just shy of his 4th birthday. What once was an angry and violent little boy is now a calm, loving, and normal 7 year old with dreams of someday becoming a police officer.

Our youngest son is 4 years old and had a rough start in life - - drug exposure, drug overdose at birth, abuse and neglect. He was a non-verbal child who didnt react to even the slightest hug or kiss. Now he is the one to initiate hugging and kissing in our family. The first time he smiled and called me "mommy" I cried - it was 6 months after his placement into our home. He is now a laughing, smiling and loving little man. He is doing well academically as well as emotionally and socially even though he has a long way to go.

Our youngest daughter was also born drug exposed but came to us early on in life - she was 7 days old. From a little bundle until now, she has blossomed into a beautiful child. She is loving and sweet and very intelligent. She is the apple of her daddy's eyes and people comment on how she has her daddy wrapped around her little finger.

Last but not least - our dog Mr. Magoo is a 3 month old Boston Terrier puppy. He loves to lick and play with all the kids. The kids just love him!

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