
Friday, June 30, 2006

21 more days

We have ordered the limo for the ride to the airport. We got a nice long stretch one - the kids are gonna flip! I can’t wait to see their faces!! We have planned it that we get to the airport early enough to get through security and have lunch. There is a McDonalds in the airport so that the kids can have something fun for lunch.

I see in the kids' faces that they are as anxious as we are to get to Disney and to see the Mouse. I just want to be able to relax and enjoy my time with all my babies. No matter how old they are - they will always be my babies.

Next week I will make sure all the items we need are purchased and set aside (so I can find them!). Then I will make sure they get packed when needed.

Until then....have a very Disney day!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Countown Continues

Its only 22 more days until we go to Disney World. I know Ive been counting down for awhile, but I thought I would share it with the outside world as well.

The kids are getting very excited as are the grown ups. We've put aside our suitcases and we, as the parents, have "hoarded" away small gifts to use on the airplane for "good behavior" during the 2 1/2 hour flight.

We've also taken the kids to the museum to show them the big airplane and took them inside to get them to see how the seats are. They've even seen the show where you "hear" the engines roar and see the landing gear descent. The kids were quite excited about this. Our youngest son even commented on how "noisy" it was. We assured him that he wouldnt hear the noise in the nice quiet seats inside.

Thats all for now - until next time, remember: Its all about the Mouse.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Countdown Begins

I dont know about anyone else, but Im getting VERY excited! I cant wait to pack, make the house neat (of course) and climb into the limo that will take us to the airport.

I cant wait to see the look on the kids' faces when they see how big the plane is that will take us to Orlando and to Mickey Mouse.

I cant wait to see the look on the kids' faces when they FEEL the plane take off and land.

Its an awesome experience!

I think its the trip TO Orlando that is almost as fun as being IN Disney World.

Its about 24 more days until we go to Disney. But who's counting???

Monday, June 5, 2006

Monday Morning Musings

As I look at my children, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the love I have for them. My husband and I talk about this alot - no matter where they came from, they are definately our children.

Some other woman gave birth to them and unfortunately, due to her situation, can no longer parent them and gave up her parental rights voluntarily.

All of us need to understand that the children belong to us now. And as their parents we must do whats best for the children - no matter what that is. They arent items to be bargained and "gifted" to one another, they are human lives that need to be loved unconditionally, as we do by choice.

I am aware that the children's birth family is mourning the loss of those children and that there is nothing I can say or do to ease their pain. That this is something they must do on their own. There isnt a day that goes by that I dont wish them well and wish that they can heal and move on with their lives.