
Monday, June 5, 2006

Monday Morning Musings

As I look at my children, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the love I have for them. My husband and I talk about this alot - no matter where they came from, they are definately our children.

Some other woman gave birth to them and unfortunately, due to her situation, can no longer parent them and gave up her parental rights voluntarily.

All of us need to understand that the children belong to us now. And as their parents we must do whats best for the children - no matter what that is. They arent items to be bargained and "gifted" to one another, they are human lives that need to be loved unconditionally, as we do by choice.

I am aware that the children's birth family is mourning the loss of those children and that there is nothing I can say or do to ease their pain. That this is something they must do on their own. There isnt a day that goes by that I dont wish them well and wish that they can heal and move on with their lives.

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