
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Open and Closing Doors

They say when God closes one door, He opens another. This is true in my case. When the door to the job I had last closed, I was scared I wouldnt be able to find another job. Well, here I am working at not only a job CLOSE to home, but a job that I can use my upcoming interior design degree for.

I am working for an up and coming furniture and design place called JulianoFurniture ( where I am not only adding to the website, but I am choosing the peices that are to be sold.

Wish me luck!


Morah Wasserberg said...


Anonymous said...

Good luck honey, I have confidence in you and in us. Love you much! John C.

Anonymous said...

Good luck. I didn't know you got a new job. Woohoo. Tell Joel and Sydney Happy Bday for us. Love ya.


Anonymous said...

Best of luck on your new job. I'm
sure it will be wonderful working
close to home. Will email soon alot has been going on. Say Hi to
all the kids from us, take care.

Love to all
Joyce & Bill

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the job. I'm so glad you've found one close to home. Take care.