
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Happy Adoption Day!

It was one year ago today that a judge signed the official paperwork making our youngest children ours - in the eyes of the court that is. From the minute they were brought through our door on January 27, 2003, we knew these children were ours. We loved them from the minute we laid eyes on them. From the moment our adoption worker placed our youngest daughter in my arms, she was mine - no matter how she came into this world, no matter how any of them came into this world or who gave birth to them...

However, it took a bit of time for the courts to catch up to what we were thinking and feeling. Now today, August 29, 2006 it is one year that we are officially their parents.

People have asked us if we would change our minds if we had to do it all over again and I know I can speak for my oldest children and my husband that we would do this all over again - - these are our children.

Just like in Lilo and Stitch - "Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten" - thats our family motto. A motto we live by. No matter where we are, we are family!

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