
Saturday, June 30, 2007

Ahhh...the great outdoors!

My dear sweet daughter is now camping at Apple Canyon Lake with her friend Kat and Kat's parents.

We just talked and found out that not only does Sydney have a driver's license but she now has a fishing license. She proudly told me that she "caught" enough seaweed to make sushi! Ahh...this mother is so proud. Who needs medical school when you can have a career in sushi fishing....? Oy!

Seriously though...she is having a wonderful time although a bit homesick. I teased her and asked her what she was going to do once she got to her dorm and actually had to live there? She told me that she was glad she had her cell phone....oh the bills!?

Well, more later and hopefully Sydney wont come home with more things she has caught other than seaweed - like a cold? 'Til then....ciao!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Oh the pain.....

We are off to the orthodontist to get Sydney's braces tightened......

Wish her luck!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Going to the zoo - zoo - zoo, how about you - you - you!?

Yesterday we spent the day at the zoo.

When we arrived, we went to see and pet the stingrays at Stingray Bay. The kids had so much fun sticking their hands into the tank and waiting for the stingrays to come near. Dad thought that their skin was slimy. We all had a blast just watching the stingrays so close to us.

Next we got our tickets for the dolphin show. Since we had so much time til then, we had lunch. It was really hot outside so we opted to sit inside.

FINALLY it was time for the dolphin show. The dolphins were their normal selves - playful. We watched them play with the ball and splash everyone (except us!). Soon the show was over and we decided to go see the bears.

At Bear Grotto, we saw Hudson, the new polar bear and his mother. We saw Hudson taking his afternoon nap and basically ignoring us. We also saw brown bears and many areas where the bears were sleeping.

After the bears, we decided to take a break and have some ice cream - specifically Dippin' Dots. Michael had chocolate, Adam had rainbow sherbert and Sofia and Sydney shared rainbow sherbert and of course, the grown ups had chocolate. After we rested a few minutes, we ventured to see the penguins.

The sky was beginning to get dark and so we decided to start for home. No sooner had we made the decision that it started raining. We "camped out" under a tent near the entrance/exit until the sky cleared and the rain let up a bit.

We finally made it to the car and it was an uneventful trip home. All in all, it was a great day!

Congratulations Class of 2007

The date was June 3, 2007. The place is Bolingbrook High School. The event - - the LONG awaited graduation of Joel and Sydney.

Joel looked handsome in his suit and tie (he cleans up well) and Sydney looked beautiful in her dress...although you cant see it since they are both wearing their robes.

If you notice, Sydney's tassel looks different from Joel's. That is because Sydney is part of the National Honor Society and she wears a gold tassel and a gold braid on her robe. Joel wears the standard black and red tassel with his medal of honor.

We got to the school (little ones in tow) an hour before the ceremony was to begin. It was sunny for a bit. That is when the heavens opened up and it rained really hard. We all went into the field house to stay dry until it stopped raining. Which it did a few minutes later.

Forty five minutes later while sitting on the bleachers, we heard the Principal announce "Joel Hershyl Spellman" and "Sydney Adar Spellman" and up they went to get their diplomas.

John and I are so proud of both of them!

Bad Hair Day

We woke up this morning and noticed a very large spot on the back of Sofia's head where hair was cut...cut SHORT! It seems that Prince Adam and Princes Sofia decided to play "Beauty Shop" and Adam discovered a new style. He took 6" of Sofia's hair off with one large snip.

Of course, I had to even out the hair so Sofia has a new haircut - a page boy cut that looks adorable on her. Yes I miss her waist length hair, but it will grow....

And how was YOUR day???