
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Congratulations Class of 2007

The date was June 3, 2007. The place is Bolingbrook High School. The event - - the LONG awaited graduation of Joel and Sydney.

Joel looked handsome in his suit and tie (he cleans up well) and Sydney looked beautiful in her dress...although you cant see it since they are both wearing their robes.

If you notice, Sydney's tassel looks different from Joel's. That is because Sydney is part of the National Honor Society and she wears a gold tassel and a gold braid on her robe. Joel wears the standard black and red tassel with his medal of honor.

We got to the school (little ones in tow) an hour before the ceremony was to begin. It was sunny for a bit. That is when the heavens opened up and it rained really hard. We all went into the field house to stay dry until it stopped raining. Which it did a few minutes later.

Forty five minutes later while sitting on the bleachers, we heard the Principal announce "Joel Hershyl Spellman" and "Sydney Adar Spellman" and up they went to get their diplomas.

John and I are so proud of both of them!

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