
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Going to the zoo - zoo - zoo, how about you - you - you!?

Yesterday we spent the day at the zoo.

When we arrived, we went to see and pet the stingrays at Stingray Bay. The kids had so much fun sticking their hands into the tank and waiting for the stingrays to come near. Dad thought that their skin was slimy. We all had a blast just watching the stingrays so close to us.

Next we got our tickets for the dolphin show. Since we had so much time til then, we had lunch. It was really hot outside so we opted to sit inside.

FINALLY it was time for the dolphin show. The dolphins were their normal selves - playful. We watched them play with the ball and splash everyone (except us!). Soon the show was over and we decided to go see the bears.

At Bear Grotto, we saw Hudson, the new polar bear and his mother. We saw Hudson taking his afternoon nap and basically ignoring us. We also saw brown bears and many areas where the bears were sleeping.

After the bears, we decided to take a break and have some ice cream - specifically Dippin' Dots. Michael had chocolate, Adam had rainbow sherbert and Sofia and Sydney shared rainbow sherbert and of course, the grown ups had chocolate. After we rested a few minutes, we ventured to see the penguins.

The sky was beginning to get dark and so we decided to start for home. No sooner had we made the decision that it started raining. We "camped out" under a tent near the entrance/exit until the sky cleared and the rain let up a bit.

We finally made it to the car and it was an uneventful trip home. All in all, it was a great day!

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