
Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Day 3 - The Parks
We decided that since we were already up, we would go to Magic Kingdom and watch the opening. John had never seen the actual opening with Mickey Mouse and a lucky family, so I thought it would be a great experience for him.

After the opening, we stopped by Town Hall and told a Cast Member that it was our anniversary and she asked how many years and we told her....9 She said that we were newlyweds and gave us "Just Married" buttons. We wore them all day.

We got the Pirates of the Caribbean early and was able to ride without waiting very long. In fact, we got to most rides early and was able to get in without a long wait. We went to Tomorrowland and went on one of my favorite rides - Carousel of Tomorrow. I love looking at all the vintage stuff and remembering the same things my grandparents had growing up.

Right before the 3 o'clock parade, we decided to go back to the resort to rest before dinner. As we were leaving, one of the security guards was walking towards and all of a sudden started making an announcement. We stopped to see what it was all about. The security guard said "Attention everyone...I would like to make an announcement....lets give a big round of applause for our newlyweds...." and then he came to us! We were shocked! It was quite funny as everyone around us started applauding. Then a Cast Member came up to us and asked our names and gave us a certificate for a free ice cream or popcorn at any kiosk in Magic Kingdom during our stay. It was such a nice surprise!!

After resting for a bit, we had some dinner at the resort and headed back toward Magic Kingdom to see "Wishes." We got there in time to see the Spectro Magic Parade but since it was so crowded, we didnt stay for "Wishes." We decided to do that another night.

Day 4 - Moving Day and more
Today was moving day! When we awoke, we found a message on our phone saying that they had a king room available and would we like it. We would have to vacate our room by 11 am but couldnt get into our new room until after 3 pm. So we packed our luggage, brought it down to the Front Desk and they held our luggage. So off to Epcot we went.

We headed towards Soarin' and were able to get on the ride sooner than always it was wonderful! I love that ride!! Then it was off to Test Track. I had always wanted to go on that one, but we always had the little ones with us and didnt want to wait in line with them. We knew that if our oldest son was there, he would be beside himself...hes a car freak!

More later....

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