
Monday, July 23, 2007

We're back - - -

and here is our trip report....
Day 1 - The Surprise!
We woke up to the "lovely" tune of children playing downstairs and trying to wake up the older kids. So we decided, we might as well get out of bed. We trotted downstairs, made breakfast and I proceeded to nudge John and tell him that we needed to pack, after all, we were spending our honeymoon week at the hotel where we got married .

We went upstairs to pack (I had already packed the
"surprises") and about an hour later, we were back downstairs, loading the items in the car and making sure the kids knew how to reach us in an emergency, etc.

We drove to the hotel, checked in and went to our room. Since it was around lunchtime, we went to the bar to have some lunch. I took with me my LARGE purse (great for hiding surprises and airline tickets) and sat with John to have lunch. I didnt really want to wait for dinner to spring my surprise to after John went to the bathroom, I had the first surprise on his chair when he returned. When John sat down, he opened the book, read its contents and looked at me with the expression "what did you do?" He was truly shocked and kept repeating, "What did you do?" I couldnt help but giggle. It was HARD keeping that secret for so long!

I then proceeded to hand him over the confirmation for our airline tickets - proving to him once and for all, that we were indeed going to Disney! He asked me if Tracy had anything to do with this since he knows shes a Disney specialist - but of course, she was my partner in crime, as was Sydney (our oldest daughter). Who better to conspire with??

Lunch was over and we went to the pool to sit in the hot tub to relax. It felt so good, not having to worry about which kid was where in the pool....aaah...relaxation.

We went upstairs to shower and get ready for dinner at the restaurant where we first taste-tested our food for our wedding. It was yummy! They didnt have the exact items we had for our reception dinner, after all, that was 9 years ago and Chicken Wellington isnt something you find on a menu these days. But we improvised....

After dinner, we relaxed and made sure that John hadnt forgotten anything for our trip, now that he knew where we were going. Thankfully, he didnt as we were having the same weather here as Florida was having. Everything was set. I proceeded to the Business Center to print out our boarding passes for our flight the next day. Off to bed....

Day 2 - The Flight
We got to the airport after relaxing a bit at the hotel. Our plane didnt leave until 7 pm so we caught a bite to eat at the airport. Our flight was uneventful and the flight attendant even placed us in the Exit aisle so that we would have more legroom....

Magical Express was great. We waited a total of 5 minutes for our bus to Coronado Springs.

We got to Coronado Springs about midnight and proceeded to check in. I know we had requested a King Room, but as of the late time, they didnt have any available, but were able to put us on a waiting list for the next available room. We were put in Building 9B with 2 full size beds. Let me tell ya, those are small beds, especially when you are used to a larger one. So needless to say we didnt sleep very well. But we were determined to have a good time - after all, this was our anniversary week - and I was exhausted. So off to bed we went.

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