
Monday, July 31, 2006

We're back!

We had an incredible time at Disney World - and are sad to be home and back to "reality."

We took a boatload of pictures and will post some and tell you all about our trip in a series of future blogs - so stay tuned!

And for those of you that were sick of my countdown - just wait until our next trip!

Have a Disney day! It still IS all about the Mouse!

Friday, July 21, 2006


Well, tomorrow's the day! We are getting on that plane and flying to Disney World!

The kids are excited, the suitcases are almost all packed, the parents have gotten no sleep wondering if we have forgotten something, but all in all, we are ALL excited about going.

I will take plenty of pictures and share them with those of you that are willing to sit through them.

Until then - remember to have a Disney day!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

This too shall pass...

My mom had a saying "this too shall pass" and everytime I heard it, I wondered where she got it I know. The story is as follows:

King Solomon, the wisest man in the world, had a servant that was his favorite. Why? Because anything he asked him to do he did perfectly. But the other servants in the palace got very jealous. The wise king knew that the jealousy was very bad and he had to do something about it. So the king decided that he would give this servant a job that is impossible to do. The king thought that the servant will not succeed, he will put him down in front of all the other servants, it will make everybody equal and there will be no jealousy in the palace. So the king called the servant, one month before "Pesach holiday" and he made up a story. He told the servant that he heard about a special ring that when you wear it when you are sad you become happy and when you wear it when you are happy you become sad. The king said: "I want it. Can you get it?"

"Did I ever disappoint you? " said the servant; "of course I can get it"!

"Very well"
said the king, "bring it to me in 'Pesach' evening."

"'Pesach'?" asked the servant " it is one month away, I can get it to you in couple days." "No, no" said the king, "bring it to me as a present from you, for 'Pesach' and give it to me at the "Seder" dinner."

"Yes, my king"
said the servant. The servant took a group of people, divided them to four different groups and sent one to the North, one to the South, one to the East, and one to the West, telling them "go on the way, stop anyone you meet, and ask him about the ring. If he knows something or heard something or knows somebody who heard or knows something, come back to me, with the information. so we can take directions and get the ring for the king" After two-three days the first mission came back but "Nada" (of course, the king made up the story and there was no such ring). The second mission came back and again "Nothing", third mission, fourth mission and three weeks had passed and the servant got "zippo". He got so nervous. the "Seder" is one week away, and he must find the ring. He started searching for the ring on his own and started walking from place to place, from town to town, from village to village, door to door, house to house, didn't sleep, didn't eat, asked everyone he met and, nothing ("nada"). The night before the "Seder" he came back to Jerusalem but he was ashamed to come to the palace, everybody was talking about him and he was walking around the streets like "meshugi" (crazy). Eventually he found himself in the poorest neighborhood of the city and there in a small alley he saw a petit, tiny little shop with an old man inside, a jeweler. So he was thinking to himself "if I can't get the ring maybe this old man can make it. I have nothing to lose, I will give it a try." He went into the shop and said to the old man: "the king wants a ring that when you are wearing it when you are sad you become happy but when you are wearing it when you are happy you become sad."

"Can you make such a ring?"
The old man thought for a second then he said: "sure it's a piece of cake" He took one of the rings he had on the table and engraved on it something in Hebrew. The servant was only a slave and he didn't know how to read, but he had nothing to lose so he took the ring. "Pesach" dinner. Everybody knows about the story and they want to see what will happen. Everybody is happy they are smiling, singing, telling jokes. The king at the head of the table with a big smile on his face. Except the servant, he is in the corner shaking praying, maybe the king forgot. But the king didn't forget he was waiting especially for that moment. Then the king pointed at him showing him to come over with his finger. Silence. Everybody got closer to listen and see what happens. The servant was terrified, he came to the king shaking his eyes on the ground, the king smiled and said: "did you get the ring?" The servant was so afraid he was whispering with a broken voice: "I hope so my king…"

"I can't hear you!"
said the king.

"I hope so,"
said the servant louder.

"Hand it over,"
said the king. He gave him the ring with a shaking hand. The king took it with a big smile, he put the ring on read what was written on it. Then the face of the king turned over and he become sad. When the servant saw that the king was sad he realized that he got the right ring, and smiled. And on the ring there was a simple sentence in Hebrew "Gam Ze Ya-avor". Which means: "this too shall pass".

This story reminds you that when you have a bad day, it will pass. And when you have a good day seize the moment, enjoy it, appreciate it because you should know it would not last forever.


Jews are "mavens." Experts about most things. Hardly a problem arises that we dont have an "idea" or opinion about - even when we dont. And it starts early:

Beryl was a kindergarten teacher in a Jewish school. During art class, as she walked around observing the children while they were drawing, she stopped at little Miri's desk. Miri was working very diligently.

Beryl asked, "What are you drawing, Leah?"

"Im drawing God."

Beryl paused. "But no one knows what God looks like, Miri."

Without looking up from her work, Miri answered. "They will in a minute."

Oh yeah - one more day until we go to see the Mouse.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Two more days!

In just 2 days, 23 hours, 56 minutes and 26 seconds (but who's counting right?), our family will be on a plane to Disney World in sunny Florida. The funny thing is, the weather in Florida is COOLER than it is where we are. So we are going there to "cool off."

We've been busy packing for the last few days. Hard to imagine that you would need an entire week to pack for a trip. But its true. The little ones need me to pack for them (obviously) so that they actually have clothes to wear because you and I both know that all they would pack would be toys. Then I need to pack for my husband who claims has no fashion sense. I will pack for my oldest son who definately has NO fashion sense whatsoever. If it were up to him all he would wear would be Nascar tshirts and sweatpants. Uh no - not in Florida on vacation! The only one that can truly pack for herself (besides me) is my oldest daughter. She has fashion sense and can pack for herself. I can count on her to make sure she has everything she needs. Although she claims that if she forgets something, mommy can always go and buy it for her - can you say "shopping trip?"

Either way, our family is getting ready to go - - see you next time when there will only be 1 more day til Disney - - bet you cant wait huh?

Monday, July 17, 2006

Oy Gevalt!

Jewish Mothers
Alrightniks (Nouveau Riche)

In typical fashion, Jews deal with "alrightniks" best with humor:

The Glubnocks were redecorating so they called in an interior designer.

"How would you like it furnished" he asked.

"Only the best!" said Mrs. Glubnock.

"I meant, what period?"

"Hmmm," thought Mrs. Glubnock, not wanting to seem unsophisticated, but wondering what grammar had to do with it.

"I meant," said the decorator, "what effect you want to create with a particular period?"

"A-ha!" said Mrs. Glubnock, getting it. "What I want is my friends should walk in, take one look, and drop dead - - period."

Oh yeah - - 4 more days til Disney - - and you thought I forgot.

Friday, July 14, 2006

July 15, 1944 - A Young Voice Never to be Silenced

It's really a wonder that I havent dropped all my ideals - - - Yet, I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart - - I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think it will come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again. In the meantime, I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out.
- - excerpt from Anne Frank's diary,
on this date in 1944

On August 4, 1944, the Gestapo found the hiding place of the Frank family. Seven months later, Anne Frank died in Belsen concentration camp in Germany. She was not yet fifteen years old.

Happy Anniversary!

Monday, July 17 will be 8 years.

Eight years ago, my husband and I vowed to love one another through sickness and health, richer or poorer until death do us part. We've been through the sickness and the health and the poorer...can we have some richer now?

Seriously, I remember during our wedding ceremony when the Rabbi read our vows and the content of our ketubah (Jewish marriage contract), my husband looked me straight in the eyes and nodded, agreeing, as was I, to love each other and take care of each other forever. Its been eight years and although we've had our ups and downs (what marriage doesnt?) we are still together. In fact, we wouldnt think of being anywhere else.

In eight years we have not only become a blended family (I have 2 children from a previous marriage), we have added to our family in the form of 3 additional children. Our family is much more than I imagined it would be and I wouldnt want to share it with anyone else. My husband has made me whole in places I didnt know were empty. When Im sad, he lifts me up, when Im happy, he shares in that happiness. When Im scared, he is strong. Hopefully I give him the same comfort as he does me.

We work at our relationship. There isnt a day that goes by that I take for granted what we have. We have talked endlessly about what we want and what we dont. Thankfully, we want the same things - and are willing to work to get them. We have worked very hard so far and its paying off. We have a wonderful friendship as well as a wonderful marriage. We are the best of friends and are each others greatest lovers.

So to all of you out there just starting out, remember, its hard work to be married, but it is SO worth it. case you thought I forgot - - 7 more days til we see the Mouse.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Nine More Days

...until Disney.

The Cos Day

The span of events that took Bill Cosby from the first African-American to star in a television dramatic series to the contributor of $20 million to Spelman College, are the same events that have endeared him to audiences of all races.

Born William Henry Cosby, Jr. on this day in 1937, he grew up in the Germantown section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After a four-year stint in the U.S. Navy, Bill entered Temple University in Philadelphia where he was active in football and track. But it was comedy that came naturally to the young Cosby, and he was soon on the road, doing stand-up comedy at nightclubs, concert halls and theaters. Having made a name for himself in this area, Bill Cosby auditioned for the co-starring (with Robert Culp) role of Alexander Scott in "I Spy" in 1965, the same year he married Camille Hanks. "I Spy" was the world’s first dramatic TV series starring an African-American, and Cosby’s first attempt at drama. He won three Best-Actor Emmys for his effort. A sitcom, "The Bill Cosby Show" was next, featuring Cosby as high school basketball coach, Chet Kincaid.

A doctorate in education was in the stars for the TV star. While earning the degree from the University of Massachusetts, Cosby continued to entertain us with TV comedy and variety shows, "The New Bill Cosby Show", and "Cos". His love for children shined in the 1972-1984 animated Saturday morning show, "Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids". Cosby’s real life role of husband and parent (four daughters, Erika, Erinn, Ensa, Evin and one son, Ennis, who was tragically killed in 1997 at the age of 27) was played out on his hit TV show, "The Cosby Show"; #1 for three years of its eight-year run (1984-1992). It was in this show that Cosby truly endeared himself to audiences of all ages and races.

Bill Cosby has touched our lives not only on television, but as an actor, producer, director and screenwriter of films; as an author of the bestsellers, "Fatherhood", "Time Flies" and "Congratulations! Now What? : A Book for Graduates", to name a few titles; as a recording artist (five Grammy Awards for Best Comedy Album), as a spokesperson (Kodak, JELL-O, Coca-Cola, et al.); as a board member of several organizations, including president of the Rhythm and Blues Hall of Fame, and as a philanthropist.

The Cos continues his dedication to education as a trustee of Temple University, and with a TV series based on his book series, "Little Bill" encouraging reading among children. He also continues to entertain us with his comedic talents in "Cosby", his latest TV show. An accomplished musician, Cosby has been producing jazz recordings including a dedication to his son, "Hello Friend: To Ennis With Love".

The Cos says, “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” The laughter and applause from his audiences, the pride for his family, and his estimated wealth of $325 million (1995) would spell success to most.

Happy Birthday, Cos.

Oh yeah - in case you were wondering - only 9 more days til Disney.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Oy Vey....

Two Jews, Three Opinions

Jews consider themselves mavens (experts), however, rarely do mavens agree.

Tell an Englishman a joke, he'll laugh three times. The first time to be polite, the second when you explain it, the third time in the middle of the night when he suddenly gets it.

A German will laugh twice. The first time to be polite. The second when you explain it. Period. He'll never get it.

An American will laugh once - he'll get it.

A Jew wont laugh at all. He'll say, "Its an old joke, and besides, you tell it all wrong."

from A Little Joy A Little Oy

Gettin' Some Zzzz's

When you have children, you know life is going to change. Your time as a couple changes and your time as a family changes - even your sleep changes.

Last night, like most other nights, our youngest daughter fell asleep in our bed. When she was fully asleep, we put her down in her own bed, where about an hour or so later, she woke up, realized she was in her own bed, climbed out and wandered into our room and crawled in bed with us. And like most nights, we vie for space on the bed. You would think that someone so small (a 3 year old) wouldnt take up so much space. Not her! She takes up most of the bed. She has a tendency to sleep in the weirdest positions. Thus making sleep for the parents not exactly comfortable.

Again, just like most nights, my husband will try to reposition our daughter in a way in which he can actually have space ON the bed and get some much needed rest. Most of the time, he can move her enough to get room to get into bed. If he cannot, he will go into her room and sleep. Not exactly something we like to do. Like most couples we would like to sleep not only in the same house and the same room, but in the same bed.

Im sure as you are reading this, you are saying "why not just put her back again in her own bed?" Easier said than done. You see, she will just get up and wander back into our room and our bed. We dont even know why this is - - she isnt having nighmares - - in fact, one night a few weeks ago, she was actually giggling in her sleep. That was a funny sight! So we dont know what is making her come into our room at night.

Ive read many articles about children at this age and their sleep patterns. I know their little brains are growing and they sleep oddly. And Ive read that you should put a child to sleep in such a way that they can sooth themselves back to sleep if they should wake up. But do we really need to put a TV in her room so that she can fall asleep in her bed therefore stay in it at night? If we do this, wont the other kids want TVs in their rooms too? How do you explain to the rest of the kids that because their little sister cant fall asleep without the TV on that SHE gets a TV in her room and because they stay asleep in their beds they dont need one? Such a dilemma!

So until then, my husband will most likely sleep either in our daughter's bed (while she is in ours) or on the couch. Hopefully while we are in Disney, since she will be sharing a bed with her older sister, our daughter will learn to sleep with her! After all, there's only one of her in THAT bed and much more space. My husband and I might even be "allowed" to share a bed - - we can only hope.

Only 10 more days til the mouse and some much needed sleep - at least for my husband!

Monday, July 10, 2006

11 more days!

Even the kids are starting to really be jumping out of their skin right now. The countdown is now really in full speed (not that it wasnt before this).

My husband and I went and bought some special treats for the kids for the airplane. I had so much fun putting them together last night. We originally were going to give them some coloring books, crayons, etc, but now we are getting them their own carry-on's filled with games, coloring books, and lots of really neat treats. Hopefully that will keep them busy on the 2 1/2 hour flight.

Well, its off to plan some more magical days at as always....have a Disney day - - and remember: its all about the Mouse.

Friday, July 7, 2006

Two More Weeks!

14 more days to be exact.

I know, I know, you're all getting sick of me blogging about how many days are left til we leave for Disney to see the mouse. But I gotta tell you - this blog makes the time go by faster - ok...its lame, but its how I feel.

Fourteen more days until we pack up 5 kids and 2 parents, take the limo to the airport and board the big silver plane to Orlando. Fourteen more days until we can see the looks on the kids' faces as they get into a limo they've never ridden in before, go to an airport they've never seen before, boarded an airplane they've never been in before and flying to Orlando, Florida: Home of the Mouse. To see life through the kids' eyes. To experience Disney World in through innocent eyes.

Which makes me want to tell each and everyone of you - live life - dont sit on the sidelines. Enjoy it!