
Friday, July 7, 2006

Two More Weeks!

14 more days to be exact.

I know, I know, you're all getting sick of me blogging about how many days are left til we leave for Disney to see the mouse. But I gotta tell you - this blog makes the time go by faster - ok...its lame, but its how I feel.

Fourteen more days until we pack up 5 kids and 2 parents, take the limo to the airport and board the big silver plane to Orlando. Fourteen more days until we can see the looks on the kids' faces as they get into a limo they've never ridden in before, go to an airport they've never seen before, boarded an airplane they've never been in before and flying to Orlando, Florida: Home of the Mouse. To see life through the kids' eyes. To experience Disney World in through innocent eyes.

Which makes me want to tell each and everyone of you - live life - dont sit on the sidelines. Enjoy it!

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