
Monday, July 17, 2006

Oy Gevalt!

Jewish Mothers
Alrightniks (Nouveau Riche)

In typical fashion, Jews deal with "alrightniks" best with humor:

The Glubnocks were redecorating so they called in an interior designer.

"How would you like it furnished" he asked.

"Only the best!" said Mrs. Glubnock.

"I meant, what period?"

"Hmmm," thought Mrs. Glubnock, not wanting to seem unsophisticated, but wondering what grammar had to do with it.

"I meant," said the decorator, "what effect you want to create with a particular period?"

"A-ha!" said Mrs. Glubnock, getting it. "What I want is my friends should walk in, take one look, and drop dead - - period."

Oh yeah - - 4 more days til Disney - - and you thought I forgot.

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