
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Two more days!

In just 2 days, 23 hours, 56 minutes and 26 seconds (but who's counting right?), our family will be on a plane to Disney World in sunny Florida. The funny thing is, the weather in Florida is COOLER than it is where we are. So we are going there to "cool off."

We've been busy packing for the last few days. Hard to imagine that you would need an entire week to pack for a trip. But its true. The little ones need me to pack for them (obviously) so that they actually have clothes to wear because you and I both know that all they would pack would be toys. Then I need to pack for my husband who claims has no fashion sense. I will pack for my oldest son who definately has NO fashion sense whatsoever. If it were up to him all he would wear would be Nascar tshirts and sweatpants. Uh no - not in Florida on vacation! The only one that can truly pack for herself (besides me) is my oldest daughter. She has fashion sense and can pack for herself. I can count on her to make sure she has everything she needs. Although she claims that if she forgets something, mommy can always go and buy it for her - can you say "shopping trip?"

Either way, our family is getting ready to go - - see you next time when there will only be 1 more day til Disney - - bet you cant wait huh?

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