
Friday, July 14, 2006

Happy Anniversary!

Monday, July 17 will be 8 years.

Eight years ago, my husband and I vowed to love one another through sickness and health, richer or poorer until death do us part. We've been through the sickness and the health and the poorer...can we have some richer now?

Seriously, I remember during our wedding ceremony when the Rabbi read our vows and the content of our ketubah (Jewish marriage contract), my husband looked me straight in the eyes and nodded, agreeing, as was I, to love each other and take care of each other forever. Its been eight years and although we've had our ups and downs (what marriage doesnt?) we are still together. In fact, we wouldnt think of being anywhere else.

In eight years we have not only become a blended family (I have 2 children from a previous marriage), we have added to our family in the form of 3 additional children. Our family is much more than I imagined it would be and I wouldnt want to share it with anyone else. My husband has made me whole in places I didnt know were empty. When Im sad, he lifts me up, when Im happy, he shares in that happiness. When Im scared, he is strong. Hopefully I give him the same comfort as he does me.

We work at our relationship. There isnt a day that goes by that I take for granted what we have. We have talked endlessly about what we want and what we dont. Thankfully, we want the same things - and are willing to work to get them. We have worked very hard so far and its paying off. We have a wonderful friendship as well as a wonderful marriage. We are the best of friends and are each others greatest lovers.

So to all of you out there just starting out, remember, its hard work to be married, but it is SO worth it. case you thought I forgot - - 7 more days til we see the Mouse.

1 comment:

Morah Wasserberg said...

"A beautiful wife enlarges a man's spirit."

[adapted from] Talmud, Berakot 57b

No wonder he loves you so.